is a place for a conversation to emerge wherein men can name, understand and take responsibility for our actions as victimizers of women.  We seek for an honest dialogue to emerge about how to change the conditions and conditioning that led us to do these things that are against our good nature and our higher selves.

Did You Do It Too?

Using a blog / comment format, we encourage men to tell their own stories of how we have used our power to make unwarranted sexual advances over women.  Simply “comment” on any blog post to tell yours.  If you are uncomfortable leaving your name, a pen name may be used.  To read others' comments, click on "Show Comment".

Offensive, inflammatory or disrespectful remarks will be removed.

Having this conversation is difficult, challenging and potentially risky.  By posting or commenting, you are acknowledging and accepting that risk.  It is up to you whether you wish to disclose your name or personal information.

Who knows what will happen as a result of  The hope is that a searingly honest conversation will emerge to replace the current explosion of hype and hypocrisy.  Only time will tell whether the reward of a safer, more respectful world that respects the dignity of all women and men will be worth it.

Congratulations on stepping into this possibility.

Just Like Trump